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A search for members of the family New World Vultures (Cathartidae)

Andean Condor
Andean Condor
Andean Condor
Andean Condor
Andean Condor
Andean Condor
Black Vulture
Black Vulture
Black Vulture
Black Vulture
Black Vulture
Black Vulture
Black Vulture
Black Vulture
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture

King Vulture filmed on 10-Jul-2022 (video)

New World Vultures (Cathartidae)

La Laguna del Lagarto Eco-Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica.

King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)


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